Channel: Cancer Tutor
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The Paleo Diet and Cancer

Imagine waking up in your cave ready to carpe diem – seize the day. After all, you never know when that pesky saber-tooth tiger living next door is finally going to be the death of you. But it’s time...

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Thermoregulation and sleep: Achieving the body’s optimum temperature

It’s 3 a.m., you're wide awake, and counting the hours until you have to get out of bed. Your mind is racing, contemplating, tossing, turning. You’re hot and cold at the same time. You have a million...

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Celebrities who sought natural cancer treatments

Stories abound of celebrities who turn to alternative and complementary treatments for any number of ailments. Best-known are those among the rich and famous who have faced a cancer diagnosis and...

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Breast cancer and a high-fiber diet

Imagine if everyone in Chula Vista, Calif., developed breast cancer this year. For perspective, that’s the 15th largest city in California and 75th largest in the United States. … In 2020, an...

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Benefits of juicing during cancer treatment

What if instead of reaching for your coffee maker for your morning cup o' joe, you fired up a juicer to make a nutrient-dense drink? Juicing has gotten a lot of attention in the past decade with every...

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The health benefits of water exercises for cancer patients

If you’re a cancer patient or cancer survivor looking for a low-impact way to get your body moving, water exercises may be the solution. Unlike more strenuous workouts, water aerobics do not strain...

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Cardio workouts and cancer: Finding what works for you

“Get your blood pumping!” The sentiment goes hand-in-glove with putting your body in motion. For cancer patients, especially those using chemotherapy and radiation, improved cardio could be a factor...

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LifeGuide Partners on how to avoid financial toxicity while paying for cancer...

Financial toxicity is a growing concern for people who have been diagnosed with cancer and the fiscal reality of paying for treatment. With the addition of targeted therapies and immunotherapy, the...

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Cycling and Cancer: Do it for your physical and cardiovascular health

Remember when you were a toddler, seeing a tricycle for the first time? Then you laid eyes on a bike (and couldn’t wait to get the training wheels off). How many childhood adventures began by grabbing...

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‘The Maverick M.D.’ a literary tour de force of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez

Mary Swander’s first meeting with Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez was quick. After sending him scant medical records – they did not “amount to anything,” Mary admitted – she boarded a plane and flew to his...

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